Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday 2/26

Temperature: 35°F (Low 26°F)
Humidity: 67%
Pressure: 1011.6 mb
Wind Speed: NE 16 mph
Today is an overcast day with gusty conditions. The sky is blanketed with stratus clouds which are non-nimbus (no precipitation). The temperatures today were fairly warm, but the wind throughout the day made it feel quite a bit more chilly than the temps indicated. The Jet Stream dipped unusually far South today, which was an effect of the mid-latitude cyclone that went through the Great Plains yesterday and today. As for Wisconsin, everything is pretty uneventful. The Jet Stream is pretty much straigh West-East through the Midwest, and there doesn't appear to be any major precipitation headed our way.

US: Current WeatherTuesday US Jet Stream