Humidity: 52%
Pressure: 1017.3 mb
Wind Speed: NW 15 mph Gusts up to 24 mph
Yesterday evening the wind direction changed from a East or Southeast wind to a straight NW wind. This wind direction change brought much colder air from the North than the air from the South. As a result, the temperature has dropped nearly 30° from the high yesterday. Also, it's worth noting that a midlatitude cyclone is formulating out West, and will need to be monitored throughout the week. As of right now, this storm (Winter Storm Q) is predicted to drop 5-8 inches of snow on Eau Claire around Thursday or Friday. On the map below, there is a stationary front along the East side of the Rocky Mountains that will funnel cold Arctic air towards the East, and towards Wisconsin. Bundle up, and get your shovels ready.